Library for Token Centric Interface
The SuperTokenV1Library
is a solidity library that allows you to interact with the Superfluid Protocol.
It is a comprehensive library for Superfluid protocol. It includes all the functions that are
required to interact with the Superfluid protocol. It includes functions for interacting with Money Streaming and Distributions.
In order to have access to the library, you need to:
Import the library in your contract as such:
import "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/apps/SuperTokenV1Library.sol";
Make sure that you include the using
statement in your contract:
using SuperTokenV1Library for ISuperToken;
In the case of interacting with Native Super Tokens you should use using SuperTokenV1Library for ISETH;
It is important to "warm up" the cache and cache the host
, cfa
, gda
before calling,
this is only applicable to Foundry tests where the vm.expectRevert() will not work as expected.
You must use vm.startPrank(account) instead of vm.prank when executing functions if the cache
isn't "warmed up" yet. vm.prank impersonates the account only for the first call, which will be
used for caching.
Fn flowX
function flowX(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiverOrPool,
int96 flowRate
returns (bool)
creates a flow to an account or to pool members.
If the receiver is an account, it uses the CFA, if it's a pool it uses the GDA.
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
receiverOrPool | address | The receiver (account) or pool |
flowRate | int96 | the flowRate to be set. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful. |
Note that all the specifics of the underlying agreement used still apply. | | |
E.g. if the GDA is used, the effective flowRate may differ from the selected one. | | |
Fn transferX
function transferX(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiverOrPool,
uint256 amount
returns (bool)
transfers amount
to an account or distributes it to pool members.
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
receiverOrPool | address | The receiver (account) or pool |
amount | uint256 | the amount to be transferred/distributed |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful. |
Note in case of distribution, the effective amount may be smaller than requested. | | |
Fn getFlowRate
function getFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiverOrPool
returns (int96 flowRate)
get flow rate between two accounts for given token
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiverOrPool | address | The receiver or pool receiving or distributing the flow |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
flowRate | int96 | The flow rate |
Note: edge case: if a CFA stream is going to a pool, it will return 0. | | |
Fn getFlowInfo
function getFlowInfo(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiverOrPool
returns (uint256 lastUpdated, int96 flowRate, uint256 deposit, uint256 owedDeposit)
get flow info between an account and another account or pool for given token
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiverOrPool | address | The receiver or pool receiving or distributing the flow |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
lastUpdated | uint256 | Timestamp of flow creation or last flowrate change |
flowRate | int96 | The flow rate |
deposit | uint256 | The amount of deposit the flow |
owedDeposit | uint256 | The amount of owed deposit of the flow |
Note: edge case: a CFA stream going to a pool will not be "seen". | | |
Fn getNetFlowRate
function getNetFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
address account
returns (int96 flowRate)
get net flow rate for given account for given token (CFA + GDA)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
account | address | Account to query |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
flowRate | int96 | The net flow rate of the account |
Fn getNetFlowInfo
function getNetFlowInfo(
contract ISuperToken token,
address account
returns (uint256 lastUpdated, int96 flowRate, uint256 deposit, uint256 owedDeposit)
get the aggregated flow info of the account (CFA + GDA)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
account | address | Account to query |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
lastUpdated | uint256 | Timestamp of the last change of the net flow |
flowRate | int96 | The net flow rate of token for account |
deposit | uint256 | The sum of all deposits for account's flows |
owedDeposit | uint256 | The sum of all owed deposits for account's flows |
Fn getBufferAmountByFlowRate
function getBufferAmountByFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
int96 flowRate
returns (uint256 bufferAmount)
calculate buffer needed for a CFA flow with the given flowrate (for GDA, see 2nd notice below)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowRate | int96 | The flowrate to calculate the needed buffer for |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
bufferAmount | uint256 | The buffer amount based on flowRate, liquidationPeriod and minimum deposit |
the returned amount is exact only for the scenario where no flow exists before.
In order to get the buffer delta for a delta flowrate, you need to get the buffer amount
for the new total flowrate and subtract the previous buffer.
That's because there's not always linear proportionality between flowrate and buffer.
for GDA flows, the required buffer is typically slightly lower.
That's due to an implementation detail (round-up "clipping" to 64 bit in the CFA).
The return value of this method is thus to be considered not a precise value, but a
lower bound for GDA flows.
Fn flow
function flow(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate
returns (bool)
Sets the given CFA flowrate between the caller and a given receiver.
If there's no pre-existing flow and flowRate
non-zero, a new flow is created.
If there's an existing flow and flowRate
non-zero, the flowRate of that flow is updated.
If there's an existing flow and flowRate
zero, the flow is deleted.
If the existing and given flowRate are equal, no action is taken.
On creation of a flow, a "buffer" amount is automatically detracted from the sender account's available balance.
If the sender account is solvent when the flow is deleted, this buffer is redeemed to it.
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The wanted flowrate in wad/second. Only positive values are valid here. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | bool |
Fn flow (with User Data)
function flow(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Set CFA flowrate with userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The wanted flowrate in wad/second. Only positive values are valid here. |
userData | bytes | The userdata passed along with call |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | bool |
Fn createFlow
function createFlow(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate
returns (bool)
Create flow without userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
Fn createFlow (with User Data)
function createFlow(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Create flow with userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
userData | bytes | The userdata passed along with call |
Fn updateFlow
function updateFlow(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate
returns (bool)
Update flow without userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
Fn updateFlow (with User Data)
function updateFlow(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Update flow with userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
userData | bytes | The userdata passed along with call |
Fn deleteFlow
function deleteFlow(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver
returns (bool)
Delete flow without userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
Fn deleteFlow (with User Data)
function deleteFlow(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Delete flow with userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
userData | bytes | The userdata passed along with call |
Fn flowFrom
function flowFrom(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate
returns (bool)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The wanted flowRate in wad/second. Only positive values are valid here. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | bool |
Like flow
, but can be invoked by an account with flowOperator permissions
on behalf of the sender account.
Fn flowFrom (with User Data)
function flowFrom(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The wanted flowRate in wad/second. Only positive values are valid here. |
userData | bytes | The userdata passed along with call |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | bool |
Like flowFrom
, but takes userData
Fn setFlowPermissions
function setFlowPermissions(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
bool allowCreate,
bool allowUpdate,
bool allowDelete,
int96 flowRateAllowance
returns (bool)
Update permissions for flow operator
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address given flow permissions |
allowCreate | bool | creation permissions |
allowUpdate | bool | |
allowDelete | bool | |
flowRateAllowance | int96 | The allowance provided to flowOperator |
Fn setMaxFlowPermissions
function setMaxFlowPermissions(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator
returns (bool)
Update permissions for flow operator - give operator max permissions
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address given flow permissions |
Fn revokeFlowPermissions
function revokeFlowPermissions(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator
returns (bool)
Update permissions for flow operator - revoke all permission
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address given flow permissions |
Fn increaseFlowRateAllowance
function increaseFlowRateAllowance(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
int96 addedFlowRateAllowance
returns (bool)
Increases the flow rate allowance for flow operator
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address whose flow rate allowance is increased |
addedFlowRateAllowance | int96 | amount to increase allowance by |
allowing userData to be a parameter here triggered stack too deep error
Fn increaseFlowRateAllowance (with User Data)
function increaseFlowRateAllowance(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
int96 addedFlowRateAllowance,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Increases the flow rate allowance for flow operator
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address whose flow rate allowance is increased |
addedFlowRateAllowance | int96 | amount to increase allowance by |
userData | bytes | The userdata passed along with call |
allowing userData to be a parameter here triggered stack too deep error
Fn decreaseFlowRateAllowance
function decreaseFlowRateAllowance(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
int96 subtractedFlowRateAllowance
returns (bool)
Decreases the flow rate allowance for flow operator
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address whose flow rate allowance is decreased |
subtractedFlowRateAllowance | int96 | amount to decrease allowance by |
allowing userData to be a parameter here triggered stack too deep error
Fn decreaseFlowRateAllowance (with User Data)
function decreaseFlowRateAllowance(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
int96 subtractedFlowRateAllowance,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Decreases the flow rate allowance for flow operator
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address whose flow rate allowance is decreased |
subtractedFlowRateAllowance | int96 | amount to decrease allowance by |
userData | bytes | The userdata passed along with call |
allowing userData to be a parameter here triggered stack too deep error
Fn increaseFlowRateAllowanceWithPermissions
function increaseFlowRateAllowanceWithPermissions(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
uint8 permissionsToAdd,
int96 addedFlowRateAllowance
returns (bool)
Increases the flow rate allowance for flow operator and adds the permissions
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address whose flow rate allowance is increased |
permissionsToAdd | uint8 | The permissions to add for the flow operator |
addedFlowRateAllowance | int96 | amount to increase allowance by |
allowing userData to be a parameter here triggered stack too deep error
Fn increaseFlowRateAllowanceWithPermissions (with User Data)
function increaseFlowRateAllowanceWithPermissions(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
uint8 permissionsToAdd,
int96 addedFlowRateAllowance,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Increases the flow rate allowance for flow operator and adds the permissions
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address whose flow rate allowance is increased |
permissionsToAdd | uint8 | The permissions to add for the flow operator |
addedFlowRateAllowance | int96 | amount to increase allowance by |
userData | bytes | The userdata passed along with call |
allowing userData to be a parameter here triggered stack too deep error
Fn decreaseFlowRateAllowanceWithPermissions
function decreaseFlowRateAllowanceWithPermissions(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
uint8 permissionsToRemove,
int96 subtractedFlowRateAllowance
returns (bool)
Decreases the flow rate allowance for flow operator and removes the permissions
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address whose flow rate allowance is subtracted |
permissionsToRemove | uint8 | The permissions to remove for the flow operator |
subtractedFlowRateAllowance | int96 | amount to subtract allowance by |
allowing userData to be a parameter here triggered stack too deep error
Fn decreaseFlowRateAllowanceWithPermissions (with User Data)
function decreaseFlowRateAllowanceWithPermissions(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
uint8 permissionsToRemove,
int96 subtractedFlowRateAllowance,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Decreases the flow rate allowance for flow operator and removes the permissions
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address whose flow rate allowance is subtracted |
permissionsToRemove | uint8 | The permissions to remove for the flow operator |
subtractedFlowRateAllowance | int96 | amount to subtract allowance by |
userData | bytes | The userdata passed along with call |
allowing userData to be a parameter here triggered stack too deep error
Fn createFlowFrom
function createFlowFrom(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate
returns (bool)
Creates flow as an operator without userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
Fn createFlowFrom (with User Data)
function createFlowFrom(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Creates flow as an operator with userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
userData | bytes | The user provided data |
Fn updateFlowFrom
function updateFlowFrom(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate
returns (bool)
Updates flow as an operator without userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
Fn updateFlowFrom (with User Data)
function updateFlowFrom(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Updates flow as an operator with userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
userData | bytes | The user provided data |
Fn deleteFlowFrom
function deleteFlowFrom(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver
returns (bool)
Deletes flow as an operator without userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
Fn deleteFlowFrom (with User Data)
function deleteFlowFrom(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Deletes flow as an operator with userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
userData | bytes | The user provided data |
Fn createFlowWithCtx
function createFlowWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Create flow with context and userData
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn createFlowFromWithCtx
function createFlowFromWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Create flow by operator with context
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn updateFlowWithCtx
function updateFlowWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Update flow with context
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn updateFlowFromWithCtx
function updateFlowFromWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
int96 flowRate,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Update flow by operator with context
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The receiver of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
flowRate | int96 | The desired flowRate |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn deleteFlowWithCtx
function deleteFlowWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Delete flow with context
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn deleteFlowFromWithCtx
function deleteFlowFromWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Delete flow by operator with context
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token to flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn setFlowPermissionsWithCtx
function setFlowPermissionsWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
bool allowCreate,
bool allowUpdate,
bool allowDelete,
int96 flowRateAllowance,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Update permissions for flow operator in callback
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address given flow permissions |
allowCreate | bool | creation permissions |
allowUpdate | bool | |
allowDelete | bool | |
flowRateAllowance | int96 | The allowance provided to flowOperator |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
allowing userData to be a parameter here triggered stack too deep error
Fn setMaxFlowPermissionsWithCtx
function setMaxFlowPermissionsWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Update permissions for flow operator - give operator max permissions
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address given flow permissions |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn revokeFlowPermissionsWithCtx
function revokeFlowPermissionsWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address flowOperator,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Update permissions for flow operator - revoke all permission
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
flowOperator | address | The address given flow permissions |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn getCFAFlowRate
function getCFAFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver
returns (int96 flowRate)
get CFA flow rate between two accounts for given token
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
flowRate | int96 | The flow rate |
Fn getCFAFlowInfo
function getCFAFlowInfo(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address receiver
returns (uint256 lastUpdated, int96 flowRate, uint256 deposit, uint256 owedDeposit)
get CFA flow info between two accounts for given token
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
sender | address | The sender of the flow |
receiver | address | The receiver of the flow |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
lastUpdated | uint256 | Timestamp of flow creation or last flowrate change |
flowRate | int96 | The flow rate |
deposit | uint256 | The amount of deposit the flow |
owedDeposit | uint256 | The amount of owed deposit of the flow |
Fn getCFANetFlowRate
function getCFANetFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
address account
returns (int96 flowRate)
get CFA net flow rate for given account for given token
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
account | address | Account to query |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
flowRate | int96 | The net flow rate of the account |
Fn getCFANetFlowInfo
function getCFANetFlowInfo(
contract ISuperToken token,
address account
returns (uint256 lastUpdated, int96 flowRate, uint256 deposit, uint256 owedDeposit)
get the aggregated CFA flow info of the account
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
account | address | Account to query |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
lastUpdated | uint256 | Timestamp of the last change of the net flow |
flowRate | int96 | The net flow rate of token for account |
deposit | uint256 | The sum of all deposits for account's flows |
owedDeposit | uint256 | The sum of all owed deposits for account's flows |
Fn getFlowPermissions
function getFlowPermissions(
contract ISuperToken token,
address sender,
address flowOperator
returns (bool allowCreate, bool allowUpdate, bool allowDelete, int96 flowRateAllowance)
get existing CFA flow permissions
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
sender | address | sender of a flow |
flowOperator | address | the address we are checking permissions of for sender & token |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
allowCreate | bool | is true if the flowOperator can create flows |
allowUpdate | bool | is true if the flowOperator can update flows |
allowDelete | bool | is true if the flowOperator can delete flows |
flowRateAllowance | int96 | The flow rate allowance the flowOperator is granted (only goes down) |
Fn createPool
function createPool(
contract ISuperToken token,
address admin,
struct PoolConfig poolConfig
returns (contract ISuperfluidPool pool)
Creates a new Superfluid Pool.
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
admin | address | The pool admin address. |
poolConfig | struct PoolConfig | The pool configuration (see PoolConfig in IGeneralDistributionAgreementV1.sol) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The address of the deployed Superfluid Pool |
Fn createPool
function createPool(
contract ISuperToken token,
address admin
returns (contract ISuperfluidPool pool)
Creates a new Superfluid Pool with default PoolConfig: units not transferrable, allow multi-distributors
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
admin | address | The pool admin address. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The address of the deployed Superfluid Pool |
Fn createPool
function createPool(
contract ISuperToken token
returns (contract ISuperfluidPool pool)
Creates a new Superfluid Pool with default PoolConfig and the caller set as admin
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The address of the deployed Superfluid Pool |
Fn claimAll
function claimAll(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
address memberAddress
returns (bool)
Claims all tokens from the pool.
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool to claim from. |
memberAddress | address | The address of the member to claim for. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the claim was successful. |
Fn claimAll (with User Data)
function claimAll(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
address memberAddress,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Claims all tokens from the pool.
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool to claim from. |
memberAddress | address | The address of the member to claim for. |
userData | bytes | User-specific data. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the claim was successful. |
Fn connectPool
function connectPool(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool
returns (bool)
Connects a pool member to pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool to connect. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the connection was successful. |
Fn connectPool (with User Data)
function connectPool(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Connects a pool member to pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool to connect. |
userData | bytes | User-specific data. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the connection was successful. |
Fn disconnectPool
function disconnectPool(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool
returns (bool)
Disconnects a pool member from pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool to disconnect. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the disconnection was successful. |
Fn disconnectPool (with User Data)
function disconnectPool(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Disconnects a pool member from pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool to disconnect. |
userData | bytes | User-specific data. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the disconnection was successful. |
Fn distribute
function distribute(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
uint256 requestedAmount
returns (bool)
Tries to distribute requestedAmount
amount of token
from from
to pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool address. |
requestedAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens to distribute. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the distribution was successful. |
Fn distribute (with User Data)
function distribute(
contract ISuperToken token,
address from,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
uint256 requestedAmount,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Tries to distribute requestedAmount
amount of token
from from
to pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
from | address | The address from which to distribute tokens. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool address. |
requestedAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens to distribute. |
userData | bytes | User-specific data. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the distribution was successful. |
Fn distributeFlow
function distributeFlow(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
int96 requestedFlowRate
returns (bool)
Tries to distribute flow at requestedFlowRate
of token
from from
to pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool address. |
requestedFlowRate | int96 | The flow rate of tokens to distribute. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the distribution was successful. |
Fn distributeFlow (with User Data)
function distributeFlow(
contract ISuperToken token,
address from,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
int96 requestedFlowRate,
bytes userData
returns (bool)
Tries to distribute flow at requestedFlowRate
of token
from from
to pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
from | address | The address from which to distribute tokens. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool address. |
requestedFlowRate | int96 | The flow rate of tokens to distribute. |
userData | bytes | User-specific data. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | A boolean value indicating whether the distribution was successful. |
Fn claimAllWithCtx
function claimAllWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
address memberAddress,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Claims all tokens from the pool.
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool to claim from. |
memberAddress | address | The address of the member to claim for. |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn connectPoolWithCtx
function connectPoolWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Connects a pool member to pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool to connect. |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn disconnectPoolWithCtx
function disconnectPoolWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Disconnects a pool member from pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool to disconnect. |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn distributeWithCtx
function distributeWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address from,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
uint256 requestedAmount,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Tries to distribute requestedAmount
amount of token
from from
to pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
from | address | The address from which to distribute tokens. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool address. |
requestedAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens to distribute. |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn distributeFlowWithCtx
function distributeFlowWithCtx(
contract ISuperToken token,
address from,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
int96 requestedFlowRate,
bytes ctx
returns (bytes newCtx)
Tries to distribute flow at requestedFlowRate
of token
from from
to pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The Super Token address. |
from | address | The address from which to distribute tokens. |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The Superfluid Pool address. |
requestedFlowRate | int96 | The flow rate of tokens to distribute. |
ctx | bytes | Context bytes (see ISuperfluid.sol for Context struct) |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
newCtx | bytes | The updated context after the execution of the agreement function |
Fn getGDAFlowRate
function getGDAFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
address distributor,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool
returns (int96 flowRate)
get flowrate between a distributor and pool for given token
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
distributor | address | The ditributor of the flow |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The GDA pool |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
flowRate | int96 | The flow rate |
Fn getFlowDistributionFlowRate
function getFlowDistributionFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
address from,
contract ISuperfluidPool to
returns (int96)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | |
from | address | |
to | contract ISuperfluidPool | |
alias of getGDAFlowRate
Fn getGDAFlowInfo
function getGDAFlowInfo(
contract ISuperToken token,
address distributor,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool
returns (uint256 lastUpdated, int96 flowRate, uint256 deposit)
get flow info of a distributor to a pool for given token
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | The token used in flow |
distributor | address | The ditributor of the flow |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The GDA pool |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
lastUpdated | uint256 | Timestamp of flow creation or last flowrate change |
flowRate | int96 | The flow rate |
deposit | uint256 | The amount of deposit the flow |
Fn getGDANetFlowRate
function getGDANetFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
address account
returns (int96 flowRate)
get GDA net flow rate for given account for given token
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
account | address | Account to query |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
flowRate | int96 | The net flow rate of the account |
Fn getGDANetFlowInfo
function getGDANetFlowInfo(
contract ISuperToken token,
address account
returns (uint256 lastUpdated, int96 flowRate, uint256 deposit, uint256 owedDeposit)
get the aggregated GDA flow info of the account
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
account | address | Account to query |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
lastUpdated | uint256 | Timestamp of the last change of the net flow |
flowRate | int96 | The net flow rate of token for account |
deposit | uint256 | The sum of all deposits for account's flows |
owedDeposit | uint256 | The sum of all owed deposits for account's flows |
Fn getPoolAdjustmentFlowRate
function getPoolAdjustmentFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool
returns (int96 poolAdjustmentFlowRate)
get the adjustment flow rate for a pool
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The pool to query |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
poolAdjustmentFlowRate | int96 | The adjustment flow rate of the pool |
Fn getTotalAmountReceivedByMember
function getTotalAmountReceivedByMember(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
address memberAddr
returns (uint256 totalAmountReceived)
Get the total amount of tokens received by a member via instant and flowing distributions
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | Super token address |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | The pool to query |
memberAddr | address | The member to query |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
totalAmountReceived | uint256 | The total amount received by the member |
Fn getTotalAmountReceivedFromPool
function getTotalAmountReceivedFromPool(
contract ISuperToken token,
contract ISuperfluidPool pool,
address memberAddr
returns (uint256 totalAmountReceived)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | |
pool | contract ISuperfluidPool | |
memberAddr | address | |
alias for getTotalAmountReceivedByMember
Fn estimateFlowDistributionActualFlowRate
function estimateFlowDistributionActualFlowRate(
contract ISuperToken token,
address from,
contract ISuperfluidPool to,
int96 requestedFlowRate
returns (int96 actualFlowRate, int96 totalDistributionFlowRate)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | |
from | address | |
to | contract ISuperfluidPool | |
requestedFlowRate | int96 | |
Fn estimateDistributionActualAmount
function estimateDistributionActualAmount(
contract ISuperToken token,
address from,
contract ISuperfluidPool to,
uint256 requestedAmount
returns (uint256 actualAmount)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | |
from | address | |
to | contract ISuperfluidPool | |
requestedAmount | uint256 | |
Fn isMemberConnected
function isMemberConnected(
contract ISuperToken token,
address pool,
address member
returns (bool)
Name | Type | Description |
token | contract ISuperToken | |
pool | address | |
member | address | |