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StreamYoink! : A Farcaster game based on Superfluid


StreamYoink! is a capture-the-flag game based on Superfluid. The game is played in Farcaster Frame where players can click on the button in order to Yoink (catch) a stream of 🎩$DEGEN tokens. Whoever has the Flag, keeps the stream of 🎩$DEGEN tokens. Whoever manages to keep the stream for the longest time wins the game.

To see what the game looks like in action checkout this farcaster cast:

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to set up the game on your local machine, and create your own version of the game using a different Super Token or a different game mechanic.


  • Clone the frames.js repo for debugging. For further information on this, please refer to the frames.js quickstart.
  • Start by installing the dependencies using npm install or yarn add.
  • Run the frames.js debugger using npm run dev or yarn dev.

Congratulations! You are now ready to start debugging frames using frames.js!


Step 1: Clone the StreamYoink! repo

Start by cloning the StreamYoink! repository from here:

$ git clone

Step 2: Install the dependencies

Navigate to the StreamYoink! directory and install the dependencies using npm install or yarn add.

$ cd stream-yoink
$ npm install

Step 3: Configure your environment variables

Check out the .env.template file and create a .env file in the root directory of the project.

URL Variables

For local testing and debugging, you can use the following variables and ignore PROD_URL:


When you deploy to production, you will need to fill in the PROD_URL variable with the URL of your deployed project, and change the ENVIRONMENT variable to prod.

KV Store variables:

To get your KV Store variables, you need to create a KV Store on Vercel:

  • Open your vercel account and create a new project.
  • Create a new deployment and deploy your project from your repository (don't worry about the deployment failing, we just need to create a vercel store).
  • Follow the vercel KV quickstart to create a new KV store.
  • Once your KV Store is created copy variables you get to fill in the .env file:

Other variables:

You will also need to fill in the following variables:

  • AIRSTACK_KEY: Your API Key from Airstack:
#Airstack key
  • WK: The private key of the wallet you will use to sponsor the streams:
#Pvt key of the wallet
  • RPC_URL: The RPC URL of the network you are using:
  • SUPER_TOKEN_ADDRESS: The address of the Super Token you will use in the game:
# Super token (DEGENx) address
About the chain

The default chain in the repo is Base. If you are using a different chain, you will need to change the chain of the game in the api.ts, app/start/config.ts and app/check/config.ts files. For further information on this, please refer to the Changing the chain section.

  • FID: The Farcaster ID of the profile you want users to follow before they play StreamYoink!:
# FID of the profile to follow

Step 4: Run the project

You can now run the project using npm run dev or yarn dev.

$ npm run dev

Congratulations! You are successfully running StreamYoink! on your local machine.

Step 5: Test and debug

You can now test and debug the game by opening the URL http://localhost:3000/debug?url=http://localhost:3001 in your browser.

Debugging using other frameworks

In this guide, we used frames.js for debugging. Check out the frames.js documentation for further guidance on that. You can use any other debugging framework you are comfortable with.

Customizing the game

Changing the images

The game has a few images that are static. While the static images are hardcoded in app/start and app/check, the images that are generated dynamically use an API endpoint that is part of the repo at app/imgen. This API allows you to generate PNG images with the following parameters:

  • text: The text you want to display on the image. "_" will be replaced with a skip line.
  • color: The color of the text for each line of the text. Line colors are separated by a comma.
  • size: The size of the text for each line of the text. Line sizes are separated by a comma.
  • background: The background color of the image.


To generate an image with the text "Hello World" in red and blue with a white background, you can use the following URL:


This will generate an image with the text "Hello" in red and "World" in blue with a grey background like the one below:

Hello World

An example of an image generated using the imgen API

customize your logo

Everything is made customizable in the imgen api, from the colors to the text and the images. You can also change the logo by replacing the logo.svg file in the public directory.

Changing the game mechanics

The game mechanics are defined in the app/start and app/check directories. You can change the game mechanics by modifying the route.ts files under these directories.

  • Change the flow rate of the stream: You can change the flow rate of your stream by modifying the route.ts file in the app/check directory and changing the flowRate variable. Flow rates are defined in the Superfluid framework as a number of weis per second. For example, a flow rate of 1 token/second means that 10^18 wei will be transferred every second.
/*Imports and other constants*/

const reyoinkedString ="";
const flowRate = 327245050000000000;

/* Remaining code */
  • Change the minimum balance in the pot to keep the game going: You can change the minimum balance in the pot to keep the game going by modifying the route.ts file in the app/start directory and changing the minBalance variable. If the $DEGENx balance of the wallet sponsoring the streams falls below this value, the game will stop.
/*Imports and other constants*/
const minBalance = 5000;
/* Remaining code */
  • Change the cool down time limit for the game: You can change the time limit for the game by modifying the route.ts file in the app/check directory and changing the coolDown variable.
/*Imports and other constants*/
const coolDown = 3600;
/* Remaining code */

Changing the chain

The chain variables are defined in api.ts, app/start/config.ts and app/check/config.ts files:

  • Change the chain of your Super Token: You can change the chain of the Super Token by changing the chain variable of walletClient and publicClient in the config.ts files.
/app/check/config.ts or /app/start/config.ts
// Change the chain of the Super Token here
export const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: base,
transport: http(process.env.RPC_URL)

export const account = privateKeyToAccount(`0x${process.env.WK}`)
  • Change the subgraph endpoint to match the chain: You can change the subgraph endpoint of the Super Token by changing the subgraphURL variable in the api.ts file.
/*Imports and other constants*/
const subgraphURL = "";
/* Remaining code */
Where to find the subgraph endpoints?

You can find all the subgraph endpoints of Superfluid from the Explorer or from the metadata file of the Superfluid Protocol Monorepo.

Understanding the architecture

Most of the relevant parts of the game are in the app directory. The app directory contains the following subdirectories and files:

  • page.tsx: This directory contains the code for the initial frame of the game. It is responsible for displaying the game's name and a CTA to start the game.
  • start: This directory contains the code for the first post call {URL}/start. It is responsible for checking if the user is following the account specified in the env variables and displaying the current yoinker, as well as the balance of the token left to yoink.
  • check: This directory contains the code for the second post call {URL}/check. It is responsible for checking if the user has a connected account and then it manages all the logic of closing the previous stream and creating a new one
  • imgen: This directory contains the code for the image generator API. It is responsible for generating PNG images with the specified text, color, size, and background.
  • totalYoinked: This directory contains the code for the total yoinked API. It is responsible for returning the total amount of tokens yoinked in the game.
  • currentYoinkerApi: This directory contains the code for the current yoinker API. It is responsible for returning the current yoinker and its farcaster associated address.
  • currentYoinkerPost: This directory contains the code for the current yoinker post API. It is responsible for updating the current yoinker, its farcaster associated address and the balance of the older yoinker.
  • flowingBalance: This is an API that we used to generate the flowing balance at the last frame. It's an SVG image and it cannot be used as is.
  • leaderboardApi: This directory contains the code for the leaderboard API. It is responsible for returning the leaderboard data of the game.
  • leaderboard: This directory contains the code for the leaderboard page. It is responsible for displaying the leaderboard data.