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Super Apps are smart contracts registered with the Superfluid Protocol, allowing them to react to actions of the Superfluid protocol (like flow creations, flow updates and flow deletions).

The Tradeable Cashflow NFT

Super App Illustration

This guide provides a simple example of how to deploy a Super App using the CFASuperAppBase.

About this Guide

This guide provides a basic example of deploying a Super App using the CFASuperAppBase contract. For more advanced Super App development, refer to the Super Apps in Depth.

Dont overcomplicate it !

For most use cases, the CFASuperAppBase is sufficient. It simplifies the callback process and reduces redundancy.

CFASuperAppBase - Simplifying Super App Development

What is CFASuperAppBase?

CFASuperAppBase is an inheritable base contract designed to streamline the development of Super Apps. It abstracts the complexities involved in writing callbacks and reduces redundancy.

SuperAppBaseFlow Illustration

CFASuperAppBase Illustration


onFlowCreated is a more intuitive function than afterAgreementCreated.

Key Features of CFASuperAppBase

  • Intuitive Callback Functions: CFASuperAppBase consolidates callback development into three functions (onFlowCreated, onFlowUpdated, onFlowDeleted) with user-friendly parameters.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the callback process compared to the original SuperAppBase, making it more accessible for developers.

Importing and Using CFASuperAppBase

// Example Code
import { CFASuperAppBase } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/apps/CFASuperAppBase.sol";

contract SomeSuperAppContract is CFASuperAppBase {
// Your contract implementation

Constructor Arguments

ISuperfluid host_,
bool activateOnCreated,
bool activateOnUpdated,
bool activateOnDeleted
// Constructor implementation
  • host_: Superfluid Host address for your target network.
  • Activation Flags: Indicate which callbacks (onFlowCreated, onFlowUpdated, onFlowDeleted) your Super App will use.

Token Acceptance

Override the isAcceptedSuperToken function to specify which Super Tokens can trigger the Super App's callbacks.

function isAcceptedSuperToken(ISuperToken /*superToken*/) public view virtual returns (bool) {
return true; // Default implementation

Callback Functions


Override for logic when a new flow to the Super App is created.

function onFlowCreated(
ISuperToken superToken,
address sender,
bytes calldata ctx
) internal virtual returns (bytes memory /*newCtx*/) {
// Your logic here


Override for logic when an existing flow to the Super App is updated.

function onFlowUpdated(
ISuperToken superToken,
address sender,
int96 previousFlowRate,
uint256 lastUpdated,
bytes calldata ctx
) internal virtual returns (bytes memory /*newCtx*/) {
// Your logic here


Override for logic when an existing flow to the Super App is deleted. Note: This callback must not revert to avoid jailing the Super App.

function onFlowDeleted(
ISuperToken superToken,
address sender,
address receiver,
int96 previousFlowRate,
uint256 lastUpdated,
bytes calldata ctx
) internal virtual returns (bytes memory /*newCtx*/) {
// Your logic here

Registering a Super App

Deploying a Super App involves integration with the Superfluid Protocol and compliance with its governance for activation. For your Super App to be recognized by the protocol, you must register it with the Superfluid Host contract. If you deploy your Super App on a testnet, you can call the function selfRegister to register it.

This is how the function looks on the CFASuperAppBase:

function selfRegister(
bool activateOnCreated,
bool activateOnUpdated,
bool activateOnDeleted
) public {
HOST.registerApp(getConfigWord(activateOnCreated, activateOnUpdated, activateOnDeleted));

If you are deploying on a mainnet or a network with permissioned registration, you will need to follow the registration process outlined in Registering a Super App.